Three S’s That Keep Us Returning to TradeWinds Resort in St. Pete Beach, Florida

***Ice cream was sponsored, but the opinions are my own*** For the fifth consecutive Father’s Day weekend, my entire family and a group of friends loaded up the minivans for a two-night stay at TradeWinds Resort in St. Pete Beach, Continue reading Three S’s That Keep Us Returning to TradeWinds Resort in St. Pete Beach, Florida

Disney for Days (and Dollars),Part I: Hollywood Studios

Recently, I spent three days absorbing as much Disney as possible with four of my children (ages 5 through 14) in Orlando. In this three part series, I’ll provide an unsolicited, unsponsored view of what we saw, spent, enjoyed, and Continue reading Disney for Days (and Dollars),Part I: Hollywood Studios

Little League World Series: The BEST and MOST BROKEN Aspects of Youth Sports on display for all

Over the weekend, the Little League World Series will wrap for 2021, showcasing what is GREAT about and what is reprehensively BROKEN with youth sports in America.  The GREAT I do love watching the LLWS each August – the smiles Continue reading Little League World Series: The BEST and MOST BROKEN Aspects of Youth Sports on display for all