***My eldest son, Yosef, left for Army Basic Training in October. This series documents my parenting experience through his nearly three months away from home. Please note: this series is not affiliated with the U.S. Army National Guard in any way, all observations and opinions are my own. ***
FINALLY! Exactly 74 days after he’d left home, we traveled to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to attend my son, Yosef’s, Basic Training Family Day and Graduation Ceremony.
It was….well, difficult to put into words. I’ll try to process my emotions for you later on.
For now, though, let’s talk about the nuts and bolts from my POV, in case you have the privilege of attending one in the future.
Pre-Arrival Planning
About six weeks prior to graduation, our son confirmed his expected graduation date and we, in turn, booked our flights to attend. These bases are typically in the middle of nowhere so not only are flight schedules sparce, tickets into/out of the area are pricey and lodging is limited. Unfortunately, there is no early booking due to the uncertainty of the dates (if you book early, confirm a generous cancelation policy).
In our case, getting close to Fort Leonard Wood meant flying into Springfield, MO. – nearly 1.5 hours away. Other options would have been St. Louis (2 hours), Kansas City (4 hours), or Fayetteville (3 hours). If you drive to FLW, be prepared to find a very rural place that is unexpectedly very hilly and, of course, desolate.
Family Day takes place one day prior to Graduation – for us a Wednesday and Thursday (I believe that most fall on these days of the week no matter the base). A few days prior to the events, there were Facebook posts that briefed visitors on important items like getting registered to enter the base, when trainees might be allowed to leave, and other pertinent information. A Facebook live event was created so that remote members of the family could watch the ceremony as well. It seemed to me that Facebook or your loved one was the only way to get details about what was going to happen (and when).
Bottom line: don’t expect too much information prior to leaving.
Family Day
On Wednesday, families were asked to arrive at Baker Theater on the base at Fort Leonard Wood between 9 am and 10 am in preparation for a 10 am formal brief by the Battalion Commander. Other than the briefing for attendees starting at 10 am sharp, there was not much organization to be had.
In the over-crowded reception area of the theater there were soldiers helping with signing out of trainees for the day – no organized line or process really. No ID’s were required to do this, only a contact name and phone number were written down.
AT 10 am, there were voiced-over prepared remarks about rules and logistics followed by the Commander quickly briefing the gathered crowd from the stage. He again walked us through important updates – particularly hammering home the need to have your trainee back to their barracks by the pre-arrange time (for us this was 6 pm).
“There are no excuses for being late,” the Commander explained, “And I will enforce the standards we’ve set during training, including holding them back from graduation.”
After the briefing ending (about 15 minutes), parents were dismissed to the training pad behind the theater where all Battalions were being run through a series of intense exercises by their Drill Sergeants. Parents gathered and anxiously tried to catch a glimpse of their trainees as they squatted, grasshopper-ed, and push-up-ed in the bitter Missouri cold. Once all parents had gathered and the exercises ceased, the battalions were called to attention, then dismissed.
“Get the f*ck out of here!” Could be heard by the Drill Sergeants who, I’m sure, wanted an afternoon off as well.
After a few moments of chaotic searching, Yosef sprinted over to hug his Mom in a moment that makes me emotional as I type.
The wait was over. FINALLY!
We spent the remainder of Family Day off of the base – eating, talking, and enjoying our time together. During the late afternoon, we ventured to a few local tourist traps (ie: Uranus – OMG, that could be a blog post itself).
In hindsight, I think Yosef would have enjoyed just chilling at our place until retreating back to the base that evening. I think the sudden freedom and being amongst civilians in his military dress was a bit overwhelming.
Returning Yosef was quick that night. We gave ourselves plenty of time to ensure he wouldn’t miss out on any Graduation privileges by being late.
(Side note: there were a few late trainees who were punished for being tardy and missed out on off-post leave after Graduation the following day. They did, however, graduate.)
Graduation Day
Just as we did before Family Day the day prior, on Thursday visitors were asked to arrive between 9 am and 10 am for the Graduation Ceremony. We arrived promptly a few minutes prior to 9 am and had no issues with parking. Lots seemed adequate until 9:30 am.
We were told doors would open at 9:30 am on this 20-degree morning so we lined up with other visitors around 9:15 am. Unfortunately, the line did not move until the doors to the theater opened at 9:50 am. We froze for 30 minutes!!! :/
Every seat in Baker Theater was full by the time the ceremony began at 10:10 am. If you have a large group, getting there early and waiting a line is a must.
I won’t over-describe the ceremony, but will tell you to be prepared to absolutely blown away by the precision of what your son or daughter will be doing – the cadence, the marching, how dapper they will look in their Army best, and the sense of pride everyone in the auditorium walks away feeling.
At the conclusion of the Graduation Ceremony, just as we did the day before, we filed out of Baker Theater toward the training area behind. And, you guessed it – Drill Sergeants were running the graduates through a series of the same exercises, this time in their suits and dress shoes. After a few minutes of push-ups and squats, trainees were dismissed until 6 pm.
After several photos with Yosef, we retreated to our Airbnb for the day. Yosef took a warm shower (I guess the water is cold at BTC after a few showers) and we talked more about his next training assignment (he would leave at 1 am that same night/early next morning).
Just as the day before, we dropped off our son at 5:30 pm in front of the barracks and said our goodbyes. These goodbyes are hard – feeling like time was too short with him before he headed off again. But, that is service and we’ll keep trying to get used to it.
The Emotion of a Parent at Basic Training Graduation
There is no way to describe the emotions of watching your child graduate from Basic Training. Sure, the sense of pride is similar, I think, to that of parents watching a high school/college graduation. Maybe, though, a bit elevated.
First, I was shocked at the man I met at Fort Leonard Wood. My son was a soldier – and damn proud of it. There were flashes of the introverted 18-year-old kid that I sent off in September, but not many. Yosef had a plan, a mission, a group of friends that endured alongside of him, and a sense of self-accomplishment that even his wrestling career did not provide. I was so impressed with Yosef Walsh, the young adult.
Next, I recognized the impact of Yosef’s decision to serve on our family – from his siblings traveling with us, to his teenage brother and sister stuck at home with obligations, to his cousins who’d come to see him – the outpouring of pride by our extending family was touching. Having Yosef see the esteem in which soldier are held was really cool for me.
Lastly, as he walked away I thought about the toddler that we met in April, 2007 becoming a trained soldier. During the graduation ceremony, each soldier yelled their name and birthplace to the crowd. When my son stepped up to bark in soldier intonation, “Yosef Walsh, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, I almost burst. Yosef had come full circle. I’m so thankful that he brought us along to witness it.
It was over and just beginning.
Thank you for follow along during the “Off to Basic Training” series. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below.