TobINs and Outs: Quick notes and not-so-funny jokes:)

Thank you for faithfully reading, sharing, and telling your friends about my work over the past seven years. These Friday notes are quick-hitting topics that impact my parenthood but that stay just under the blog’s radar.

ICYMI, this week’s newest GBD piece was (of course) about Father’s Day! I love Father’s Day as much as any dad, but I’m giving my wife no ideas for gifts this year. I do know, however, what I absolutely DO NOT WANT! Check it out here.

Three quick end-of-week thoughts

(1) The PGA/LIV Golf marriage – my kids’ POV

If you’ve tuned in over the years, you know that I am a certified sports nut. I love golf and look forward to watching the US Open over the weekend. As such, with the announced unification of the rival professional golf tours, it has been very interesting to listen to my (equally sports-crazed) sons talk about the merger.

While there are parts of me that hold outrage for the inclusion of “dirty” money from Saudi Arabia on the PGA Tour, my kids could care less. All they want to see is the best golfers competing on the same course. They hold no grudge for any of the big name players previously jumping at the chance to make BIG money with the LIV Golf Tour.

Maybe I’m too “woke”?

Maybe my kids aren’t socially conscience enough about the human rights atrocities’ going on in other parts of the world?

(2) My son is scared to remove his sling after a broken arm

Everett, my 10 year-old, was fully released from wearing a splint on this arm after a twelve-week recovery from a broken lower arm. I wrote about the injury for City Dads Group here. Despite constant assurance by medical professionals, Everett sneaks the splint into his camp nap-sack, and is wearing it when I pick him up most afternoons.

How long do I give him before dropping the hammer?

The facts are: (a) the arm is stronger than ever, and, (b) he needs to regain full strength before school starts in early August.

I’m getting impatient – should I be?

(3) Senior pictures, college visits, and SAT’s, oh-my!

I was worried about my 2024 graduate, Yosef, being able to manage everything he has to accomplish going into his final high school year. Now, though, I’m exhausted by the obligations we parents have!

The checklist items (and costs) are growing: senior pictures (one session for the yearbook, another private one), college visits, checking pre-requisites, volunteer hours, talking about college finances, and, oh-yeah, telling him to enjoy the ride – this is the time of Yosef’s life.

Whew – I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and I bet my son is, too.

Wrapping Up

Last night I wrote out the Father’s Day cards for my dad, step-dad, and father-in-law. In doing so, I began to think about the non-dad father figures in my life – guys that have influenced the man/husband/dad I am today.

I thought about watching my three brothers parent their children when we get together. Man, we have issues, but each of us is a damn good dad (in my totally biased view). I’m proud of them.

Other dudes that come to mind are several of my uncles and cousins that are doing their thing – whether that means as a college professor, journalist, or making bold and unconventional choices about where to live or how much to devote traveling versus work.

I had a quick recollection of the dads of several friends that I admired, then and now, for doing things like playing catch with my buddies, or driving us to tournaments in the freezing cold or blazing summer heat.

So, while Father’s Day is about us dads, it is simultaneously about the non-dad, dude influences that are shaping us.

At least that what’s Sunday is to me.

As always, please reach out with topic ideas, things you’re experiencing during your parenting journey, and even to say “hello”. We are in this together.

My Best,



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