There this guy, named Patrick Hicks, on TikTok that has amassed more than 500k TikTok followers telling obscure music stories about the biggest stars of all music genres. Hicks’ storytelling has the listener trying to guess which artist he’s talking about before he finally reveals the subject.

While he is a great social follow (click here), and with apologies to the brilliant Mr. Hicks, I did not hear a recent interview and want to head to TikTok to listen to his next story. No, during this interview, Patrick Hicks mentioned that his social media presence began as a “30-day challenge” that he and his spouse commonly do to learn new things or stoke their creative fires.

Hmm. Interesting.

I started to think of the last thing that I’ve actually started. Predictably, nothing immediately came to mind.

In fact, I began to recognize that much of my 40’s have been about simply maintaining – keeping a decent job, attempting to raise five great kids, and about finding time for a few date nights with my wife every now and then.

And, while there is nothing wrong with how I have been spending my time, it is not exactly spawning creativity, spontaneity, or a burning desire to be a better dad, friend, husband, or dude on a daily basis.

Thanks to hearing about Patrick Hicks’ start on TikTok, I am going to give this “try new things each month” idea a try (btw, Hick credited a Ted Talk that his wife listened to for this idea).

What would I have to lose?

At worst, I get too busy to really change anything and, at best, I try something new. Deciding to do something is the easy part, though, deciding WHAT to do is tougher.

Before I get there, though, excuses flood my head:

With five kids, there just isn’t enough time.

Would my wife be impacted with a loss of some “non-kid time”?

Can I find an activity that both of us could learn/start together?

Is a month long enough to give to anything worthwhile a chance at sticking?

With these thoughts swirling, it is easy to see why I’d characterize myself as “being in a rut” most of the time. The overly routine life of soccer practices and early bedtimes coupled with the immediate exhaustion that accompanies this season of parenting can lull any parent into zombie-hood.

That needs to change.

So, while I haven’t selected the “thing” that will occupy some of my free time for the next month, I will figure it out. Even starting the search for something creative, easy, and free to try has pepped me up a bit.

Maybe I’ll devote more time to guitar practice?

Maybe I’ll write more?

Maybe I will make an effort to take each kid on a walk-and-talk weekly?

I could commit to planting a garden?

Can I find time to volunteer at a local food bank?

I may try to revisit the thousands of unanswered (or declined) interview requests I’ve made during this blog’s seven-year run.

I don’t know.

I do know, however, that I’m pumped up to start trying new things, breaking out of my rut, and maybe even trying out this TikTok thing. 🙂


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